Question marketing and FIND ANSWERS for growth, ROI, and lasting success

It’s time to BREAK the CYCLE

If marketing has a reputation in any given organization, odds are that it’s a poor one. Making a bad situation worse, marketers feel the burden of this negative perception and feel they are in no-win situations.

What is most striking about this issue though is how organizations typically choose to address their disconnect with marketing. A company will part ways with the person (or people/agency) running their marketing and simply replace them with similar talent — the problem, they believe, is a reflection of the people they have brought in. Oftentimes though, the issue is deeper and the tensions, misaligned expectations, and disappointing results persist. It is a vicious cycle.

We developed UMS to give business leaders a better option to break through the brick wall that marketing has become.

“80% of CEOs don’t trust or are unimpressed with their [Chief Marketing Officers. (In comparison, just 10% of the same CEOs feel that way about their CFOs and [Chief Information Officers].) CMOs also sense a serious problem. In our own surveys, 74% of them say they believe their jobs don’t allow them to maximize their impact on the business.”
- Harvard Business Review


 your team works differently,
more productively, and more profitably

  • UMS teaches teams how to set and prioritize objectives and work backwards into execution
  • Budgeting becomes an exercise in strategically funding objectives rather than paying for tactics or pulling numbers out of thin air
  • We agree on common measures for success and track them meticulously
  • Teams systematically learn from and determine how to best address the market and their needs
  • Tactics serve specific purposes and exist to further objectives; if a specific effort does not fit our goals, we cut it
  • The marketing and sales process, by design, refines itself over time and our execution becomes tighter and more scalable

Most importantly, though, UMS puts marketing, sales, and executives on the same page, working from a set of common goals with shared resources, and an environment of accountability. UMS addresses the causes of interdepartmental infighting and mistrust and fosters open communication.

The UMS method has transformed our business. The discipline it gave us helped us survive through tough times and then thrive with years of double-digit growth. This process works and we are evidence of it.

David DeCamillis
VP Sales & Marketing, Platte River Networks

ready to GET STARTED?

Drop us a note and we'll coordinate a time to discuss where your marketing has hit a wall and how UMS might help you break through.

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